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This website is dedicated to my decade long experience in the field of investments. Launched in September 2024, I intend to use this space as a repository for my thoughts and work in the field. The content has been structured into two broad groups –

i) investment thesis, and ii) asset management.


Investment thesis includes innovate investment ideas and past notable investments researched by me. These investments have been categorized as per different styles of investing –

i) Quant Trading - To advantage from past patterns identified using number crunching techniques,

ii) Value Investing - To advantage from the variance between the book value and actual price of an asset, and

iii) Macro Investing - To advantage from the economic conditions across global markets.


Asset management, segmented into two styles – active and passive, includes tools & techniques used by me to monitor a portfolio’s investments efficiently. 'Active' style involves engaging in day-to-day operations of the business, whereas 'Passive' style encompasses monitoring the entire portfolio. As an example, an ‘active’ style technique is assisting the revenue team of an asset with building sales and marketing strategies. A ‘passive’ style technique can include benchmarking the performance of the revenue team against its competitors. I have shared a few sample reports of these techniques.


I hope the reader enjoys the content. I aim to find time and add fresh content each quarter. If you would like to subscribe, share feedback, or get in touch, click here for my contact details.

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